Nov 26, 2018 | Noticias, Uncategorized
[cherry_row type=”full-width”] [cherry_col size_md=”12″] [mp_text] “Ona is technical, organized, clean, safe … It has everything.” Ona Carbonell has gone from being a very prudent aspirant, who entered the kitchens misplaced...
Nov 22, 2018 | Noticias, Uncategorized
[cherry_row type=”full-width”] [cherry_col size_md=”12″] [mp_text] Among the restaurants participating in this initiative is the MasterChef Restaurant. For the occasion he has prepared a special menu designed by culinary talent judges Pepe...
Sep 6, 2018 | Noticias, Uncategorized
[cherry_row type=”full-width”] [cherry_col size_md=”12″] [mp_text] Antonia Dell’Atte, Boris Izaguirre, Paz Vega, Mario Vaquerizo, Carmen Lomana, Santiago Segura, María Castro, Óscar Higares, Dafne Fernández, Iván Massagué, Ona Carbonell,...