100% Únicos
100% Únicos
People with Autism Spectrum Disorders become impromptu interviewers of the country’s most prominent personalities, hosted by Guillermo Fesser.
People with Autism Spectrum Disorders become impromptu interviewers of the country’s most prominent personalities, hosted by Guillermo Fesser.
On Air
TV Company Production
Shine Iberia
Videos & Trailers
People with Autism Spectrum Disorders become impromptu interviewers of the country’s most important personalities. As a result, genuine and unfiltered conversations emerge, bright, tender, and entertaining, surprising viewers. ‘100% UNIQUE’ is born, a format by Shine Iberia (A Banijay Company) for Mediaset that is much more than a television format. ‘100% UNIQUE’ arrives in Spain after its overwhelming success in France, where the guest list included prominent figures such as President Macron himself. It represents an exceptional opportunity to bring visibility to the daily lives of these unique individuals, a reality filled with challenges that are impossible to overcome without admirable adaptability. Both they and their families face needs that cannot always be met, and often, they encounter misunderstanding and exclusion. Now, these unique individuals can be known and heard through television. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to ask anything they want to prominent figures in sports, culture, or politics in our country.